Crazy week

Had a reallyyy bad week. Was sick for almost a week, bloody phelgm and all. Two HUGEEEE projects due almost at the same time, had to spend last week weekend's doing group project all day. To top it off, the internship. Took 15 hours of my week, and I have to sacrifice my friendship time with a certain someone. I am afraid I am losing it. Maybe this is not worth it at all. SIGH.

4 PIng!:

Johannes Setiabudi said...

Internship nya sih worth it kali, tapi mungkin bisa di drop 1 kelas jadi bisa diambil next semester sambil santai2 dikit.

Or maybe you just need to learn to be patient a little bit. Doing things patiently reduces stress level and therefore making you more productive.

Udah punya banyak tentacle gitu koq masih ngga cukup sih?

rinapdg said...

Once the squid gets well, it is noisy at home

marron-chauds said...

i am very impatient...thats true.
and i am NOT A SQUID!!!!!!!!!

Johannes Setiabudi said...

Ah - noisy squid!